Rare, antique Tilam Upih keris, kris – Wilah (blade) with picits (thumb prints) – Tuban era (13th century) – Bendo Segodo pamor motif – Mendak with 68 intens (raw diamonds) – Gandar iras of Trembalo wood.
This rare, antique Tilam Upih keris dates to the Tuban era (13th century).
The wilah (blade) is extremely rare because of the picits (thumb prints) which the Empu has left on the wilah.
The jet-black wilah displays a magnificent snow white Bendo Segodo pamor motif. Pamor Bendo Segodo is very popular with keris collectors. The shape of pamor motif is formed by pamor spheres arranged in tightly arranged groups in the length of the wilah. Bendo Sagodo is classified as a pear pamor, namely a pamor pre-designed by Empu. A keris with Bendodo Sagodo pamor possesses magical powers that bring good luck, which will make it easier for its owner to find great wealth and achieve many results. Hence, this pamor is sought after by merchants and entrepreneurs.
Pamor Bendo Segodo is a form of Pamor Mlumah and Rekan.
Besides the stunning pamor the keris is forged after dapur (shape) Tilam Upih. Dapur Tilam Upih is a straight dapur keris, classified as very simple with no other bells and whistles. It is said that the Dhapur Tilam Upih was first forged by Empu Brama Kadhali in the Nata Praja Buddawaka era.
The popularity of this dapur is not without reason, it is a dapur that is neat and not too crowded which makes many people willing to wear it. On the other hand, there is a strong belief in the community so far that isoteric, powerful heirlooms are usually found in a simple (straight) dhapur such as brojol and tilam upih and not in the more complex dapurs. Moreover, according to ancient records, almost all qualified masters of the Pajajaran era preached to Mataram the two dapurs in their spiritual works.
Tilam Upih has a philosophical meaning. Tilam Upih, as a symbol of women. It means that treating the keris is the same as treating women. Keris is a symbol of a mother's love that never goes out of style, even though milk no longer flows; mother's love is eternal. Likewise, a father's compassion for his children and a husband for his wife should never diminish. In fact, the keris Tilam Upih is a symbol of a woman that always accompanies the symbol of masculinity. That is why the dhapur Tilam Upih keris, when viewed in a meaningful way, deserves to be considered a pusaka because it is feminine, full of symbols of princess and compassion.
A keris with Tilam Upih dapur has magical properties that enhance the owner's masculinity. It optimizes the relationship with his life partner and allows him to support and protect his family.
The top of the keris is adorned with a beautifully carved Nunggak Semi hilt which is set on a fine mendak in which 68 intens (raw diamonds) are set.
The keris is housed in a Gandar Iras (the gandar and Warangka are carved from one piece of solid Trembalo wood.
A copper Blewah pendok covers the gandar so that the gandar Iras is in full view.
The isi of this keris is vibrant and strong. It revealed itself to me as a wise advisor in commercial and interpersonal fields.
Dapur: Tilam Upih
Pamor: Bendo Segodo
Tangguh: Tuban (13th century)
Warangka: Gayaman Solo
Kayu: Trembalo
Total length: 49cm.
Length of the Keris: 47cm.
Length of the Wilah: 36cm.
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€ 525,00Price
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